“After a long journey—months—we arrived in Necocli, Colombia, where the biggest adventure of our trip began.”
“remember you have the power
to change people’s attitudes
to heal the wounds of the world.”
“…you’re the author of your own story, your own life.
You have the power to decide how your story is written.”
“I now understand that the environment around us can shape us, but we hold power to shape ourselves and what we can take away from our surroundings. We hold the most power when we let ourselves be our true authentic selves.”
“They say, ‘grow where you are planted.’ While, yes, this may be true, it also holds true that, like a coconut which travels for miles and miles upon the wavy sea before taking root, it is possible to grow so far from where you intended.”
“They say that every adventure starts with a step. A singular footfall, and you’re on your way, ready to take on the world. I disagree. I believe that an adventure begins with the decision to take one, and that this is not easy, but the single most difficult part of the entire journey.”
“I often pretended to fall asleep on family road trips. That’s when my mom told the best stories, reminiscing with my dad about their life in Vietnam.”
“I can’t remember when I realized I was trans exactly,
But it was probably sometime during squid season.”
“The smell of new books and fresh ink,
Sentences that start with, “I thought of you earlier today…”
Early mornings before the sun’s up,”
“If anyone could shapeshift, it’d be them, transitioning effortlessly from boy to girl and back again, eventually landing somewhere in the muted middle.”
“If you were to see me, even though you cannot, you would think I’m fifteen. I cannot remember being any younger, and I will never grow any older. I have been fifteen for centuries. Centuries, time I do not measure. For what is time to me if I am forever fifteen?”
“As she walks in the room everyone stops to admire her messy afro / She is a walking beauty / Her radiant skin glows from across the room?
“I live my life in flashes of light. From my creation in a dark, dreary factory, I’ve only seen the world in small glimpses.”
“Repeatedly, a melancholic night descends, as star lights come on one by one. My face pales, my hands ice-cold, because it’s time for me to take the blood of a stranger.”
“My mom and dad were born on the same day. I remember we would celebrate their birthday like it was their last birthday on earth.”
“I sat there back against my wall, pillow in hand to cover the sounds of my broken cries, drenched in sweat and tears of hurt.”
“I usually smell like back yard dirt, often I taste like tire rubber, / If I’m dribbled I sound like door knocks and I feel like a / smooth rubber with a plethora of tiny bumps.”
“The reason I have hot droplets running down my cheek from my eyes is the same for why I wanted it to happen.”
“The long blades of grass sway / As the wind roams. / Vibrant flowers begin to bloom / As the sun shows its face again.”
Voice of a Pride
Our black and brown students have been telling us how they’re feeling, right now. In response, we’ve collaborated with our students to turn over our most visible current platforms, our social media, and monthly newsletter, to them in a new series called The Voice of a Pride. We feel these are the most vital voices to hear at this moment in time. Through upheaval or calm, we believe in the power of human connection and the relatability and resolve that can come from it.
Tune into the Voices of the Future podcast, available on Simplecast, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts! In Voices of the Future, Maine Poet Laureate Stuart Kestenbaum has conversations with twelve Telling Room Poets Featured in A New Land, a 2020 poetry anthology from The Telling Room. In each episode, poets read their poems from the collection, discuss the writing process, what inspires them, and where they are going next.
Listen to Telling Room students read their work aloud on Soundcloud. Hear voices from our anthologies, residencies, and after school programs!
Check out our students performing, reading, and conceptualizing their work through visual storytelling:
Follow us on Vimeo for more Telling Room content!