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Many thanks to our 2023-2024 donors!
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

The Telling Room advances its mission with the generous support of philanthropic individuals, family foundations, institutional funders, and corporate partners that make our work possible. We are grateful for their commitment to youth empowerment and their support of our vision.

Every gift is important to us and we strive to keep accurate records. We apologize if we inadvertently omitted or misspelled any name, and please let us know so we may correct our error. We deeply appreciate all gifts made in honor or in memory of someone special to the donor—thank you.


Corporate and Institutional Donors

Allagash Brewing Company

Bristol Seafood

Brûlée Bike


Coffee by Design

cPort Credit Union

Dead River Company

Dean’s Sweets

DiMillo's On the Water

Down East

East Brown Cow Management


Flatbread Company

Gardner Real Estate Group

Good Fire Brewing Company

Gregg Lipton Design

Headlight Audio Visual Video

Jane B. Cook 1992 Charitable Trust

Latkin Family Foundation

Law Offices of Joe Bornstein

Legacy Properties Sotheby's International Realty

Lesher Family Foundation

Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation

Machias Savings Bank

Mailings Unlimited

Maine Humanities Council

Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance

Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust

Market Street Eats

Martin's Point Health Care

Mascoma Bank

Moser Family Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

Northeast Bank

Onion Foundation

Orange Bike Brewing Company


Pampered Chef

Peter Alfond Foundation

Pierce Atwood

Pink Eraser Press

Portland Museum of Art

Rines Thompson Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

Roaring Brook Family Foundation

Rona Jaffe Foundation

Sea Glass Events


Standard Baking Company

The Alpha Delta Phi Foundation Inc.

The Anonimo Foundation

The Bread & Butter Catering Company

The Mimi Foundation

The Pettus Foundation

The Poets Corner

The Smith Family Charitable Trust

The Ullendorff Memorial Foundation

The Virginia Hodgkins Somers Foundation

The Writing Company

Townsend Real Estate





Widgeon Point Charitable Foundation

Wind Point Foundation

Individual Donors


Samaa Abdurraqib

Dr. Elizabeth Ackerson and Alan McIlhenny Jr.

Peter and Lisa Adams

Charlotte Agell and Peter Simmons

Justin and Rachael Alfond

Leo Algeo

Sylvia Alvarino

James Amato

Terri Amato

Ann and Andrew Hayes

Matthew and Anne Anderson

John B. Carney

James Babcock

Madge Baker

Denise Baker

Thomas Ballantyne

Sara and Ronald Bancroft

Kyo Bannai and Craig Schneider

Lydia Bell

Marjorie Berman

Richard Bertaska

Aimee and Mark Bessire

Peyton Black

Taylor Black

Iris Blasi

Vicki Boyd

Angelica Braestrup

Jennifer Bragg

Andrea Breau

Mary Bridge

Megan Britton

Valerie Brock

Marilyn Bronzi

Bruce Brown

Jane Brox

Agnes Bundy Scanlan

Bartley and Katherine Calder

Julie Canniff and Karl Smith

Gena Canning

Laura and Charles Chandler

Tae Chong and Susan Burns Chong

Anthony Cipollone

Jay Clark

Joshua and Portia Clark

Lane and Brockway Clarke

Ben Clements

Linda and John Coleman

Emma Collins

Jenna Conley

Jerry Conley

Susan Conley and Tony Kieffer

Joseph Conway and Jenny Dougherty

Nancy Conway

Sara Corbett and Mike Paterniti

Sara Crisp and Gregg Lipton

Kendra Curry-Khanna

Sarah Daignault

Candice Dale

Jane Danielson

Peter Darvin

Edward Davis

Heather Davis and Matthew Bush

Dhiroobhai Desai

Tanuja Desai Hidier and Bernard Hidier

Katherine Dettmann

Christina and Simon DeYoung

Sara Dickey and Pamelia S. Edgerton

Suzanne Dodson

Bruce Donath

Katherine Dowd

Moira Driscoll and David Pence, Jr.

Rich and Susanna Dubois

Susanne Dunlap

Mary Starr and Kerem Durdag

Darcy Dye

Bryan Eckstein

Khadija El Barkaoui

Shari Elder

Amy Elkaliouby

Ian-Khara Ellasante

Thew Elliott

Anya and Brandon Endsley

James and Vicki Erwin

Jeanne and John Evans

Betsy Evans Hunt and Christopher Hunt

Will and Rose Everitt

Paul Faulstich

Marya Faust

Gibson Fay-LeBlanc and Renee LeBlanc

Taffy Field

Catherine Fisher

Anne Fowler and Sam Allen

Linden and Heather Frederick

Paul French

Julie Furt

Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes

Kate Gawler and Stuart McConnell

Robert Gips and Karen Harris

Heather Goldberg

Emily Golden

E. Kent Gordon

Donald Gould

Mary-Louise Gould

Shazelle Goulet and Zach Davis

Elizabeth Gouverneur and Richard Cohen

Tasha Graff

Giovanna Gray Lockhart

Connie Griffin

Olivia Griset

Andrew Griswold and Marcie Parker Griswold

Matthew Grondin

Chuck and Linda Grossman

Caitlin Gutheil and Douglas Welch

Cyrus Hagge

Molly Haley

Anne Hallward

Jeri Hamlen

Jeri Hamlen

Eric and Elizabeth Handley

Anja Hanson and Derek Pierce

Chip and Katharine Harris

Perry Hart

Miles Harvey

Roger and Mary Ann Haskell

Thomas Haushalter

Stephen Hayes and Carol McCarthy

Kimberly Haynes

Thomas and Susan Healy

Meghan Henshall

Patricia Hille Dodd

Jon Hinck and Juliet Browne

Marcia and Ricardo Hofer

Jean Hoffman

Joel and Kelly Hokkanen

Kimberly J. Holden

Lucky and Toby Hollander

Ellen Honan and Richard Curry

Caroline Horner

Eddie and Patty Howells

Dorothy and Charles Hudson

Lissa Hunter and Kirby Pilcher

Lorraine Martin and Diane Bennekamper

Jen Johansson

Kelsey Halliday Johnson

Spencer and Emily Jones

David Juhlin

Cameron Jury

Heather and Steve Jury

Sonya Kahlenberg

Hannah Kalkstein

Janet Kalkstein

Louise Kieffer

James Kim

Cricket King and Angus King III

Lily King and Tyler Clements

Angela Nasveschuk

Peter Klein

Melissa and Scott Knoll

Charlie and Leah Koch

Celine and Chris Kuhn

Barbara Lamont

Sarah Laurence

Libby and Mike Lauze

Annie Leahy and Mike Carey

Kara Leopold

Valerie Libby and John Wipfler

Benjamin Liff

Mary Allen Lindemann and James Hoban

Stacy Linehan

Ellie Linen Low and David Low

Ariel Linet

Jesse Lipson

Janet Lohmann and Michael S. Griffin

Margaret Lonsdale

Bronley Luhrman

Deborah Luhrs

Arnie Macdonald and Liza Moore

Kate and Ian Malin

Berry Manter

Frances Mardjetko

Joseph Marro

Adele and Roland Martel

Jane Marx

Ben and Marcia Mastin

Davis McCallum

James McCarthy

Emily McConnell

Jeana and Jay McCormick

Molly and Toby McGrath

Sandra McIver

Diane McKenna-Yasek

Jesse McMahon

Liz and Pierre Meahl

Donald Medd and Rachel Simons

Catherine Menyhart

Ellie Mercer

Naomi Mermin

Cathy and Oscar Mertz

Cindy Mervis

Sean Mewshaw and Desi Van Til

Seb and Peggy Milardo

Charlie Miller

Roger and Margot Milliken

Alice Moore

Bob Moore

Jennifer Moore and Craig Oldershaw

Susan Morris

Mark and Wendy Morrissette

Helene Moses

Marilyn Moss Rockefeller

Margaret Nagle

Meghan Gildart Nappi

Priya Natarajan

Leah Neuchiller

Sally and Tom Newhall

Laura Newman and Jeff Norris

Diane S. Nichols

C. Thomas and Lyndyn Norgang

Matty Oates

Dan Olds

Sarah Olivares

Allyson and Erik Olson

Susan and Fritz Onion

Philip and Lydia Osgood

Laura Packard

David Page

Jane and Glenn Page

Lincoln and Allison Paine

Pranita Panda and Bishnu Das

Beth M. Paschal

Lincoln Peirce

Lisa Perkins

Richard Peterson and Deb Rothenberg

Kent and Kristen Pierce

Pasha Pourghasemi

Cheryl and Chris Powell

Kristina Powell

Benjamin and Mary Pratt

Frances Prinn

Ann Quinlan

Kari Rasheed

Jennifer Reck

Anne Renna and Nicolas Owens

Kathryn and Greg Renna

Catherine Richards Olney and Robert Olney

William E. Ritch-Smith

Elizabeth Roddy

Peter Handy and Jocelyn Roux Handy

Anita Ruff

Richard and Barbara Russo

Paul and Penelope Sarvis

Sophia Scanlan

Gillian Schair

Erica Schair-Cardona and Ivan Cardona

Jenny Scheu and John Ryan

Sarah Schneider and Jim Haines

Tim Schneider and Morgan Lake Adams

Elizabeth and Edward Schuller

Peter Schuller

Maxine Sclar and Robert Yamartino

Michael Scott

Dennis Seine and Alex Argo

Charlie Seyffer

Laura E Shen

Deborah Shepherd

Sarah Short

Donna Simonetti

Angela and Shawn Smith

Peg and Brad Smith

Onnolee and Larry Smith

Heather Smith

Amy Smucker

Shannon Sonrouille

Debra Spark and Garry Mitchell

Jim Sparks

Richard and Alice Spencer

Joyce Spencer

Kenneth Spirer and Joan Leitzer

Lisa Sposato

Charles Ian Stevenson

Jennifer Swanson

Sean T. Findlen and Amy Tessendorf

Jennifer and Sean Tabb

Susan Tananbaum

Edward and Sondra Taylor

Wendy and Michael Taylor

Karen and Nils Tcheyan

Brooke Teller

Jeff and Karen Thaler

Ander Thebaud

Peter Then

Amy Titcomb

Stanley and Susan Trotman

Jordene Trueh

Samuel Truesdell

Jack Turner and Tee Taggart

Russell and Avery Twiss

Wilhelmina Ulbrich

Kristin and Warren Valdmanis

Teresa Valliere

Jennifer Van Orman

Judith VanBever-Green

Kalli Varaklis

Alice and Geoff Wagg

Ian and Penny Wagge

Caitlin Wahrer

Marina Waisman

Sarah Warshaw

Ann H. Symington Foundation

Peter B. Webber

Debbie Weil and Sam Harrington

Sarah Welch and Jason Hearst

Brian and Kristen Wellinghoff

Nathaniel and Eugenia Wheelwright

Nick and Emily Whiston

Sandra and David Whiston

David and Breda White

Noel White

Regine and David Whittlesey

John Williams

Maya Williams

Emma Wilson

Margaret Wilson and Lloyd Van Lunen

Carol and Joe Wishcamper

Lorel Wisniewski

Kathryn Yates

Bob Zager and Molly Juhlin

Ron and Marge Zager