Songs in the Parking Lot
Songs in the Parking Lot
Catherine Morrissette
Songs in the Parking Lot is a poignant and often whimsical collection of short stories about the hidden worlds of young people. Meet a boy who says his heart is filled with bumblebees, a girl whose childhood is intertwined with the life of a toy cat, and a young alien-hunter awaiting an extraterrestrial visit. Flecked with magic, these stories illuminate the inner lives of protagonists who teeter on the edge of what they think should be adulthood and what they know is not. A tribute to the seriousness, playfulness, and nostalgia of childhood, from a promising new voice.
FICTION / SHORT STORIES | Paperback | 82 Pages | 2019 | ISBN: 978-0-9992350-9-6
Photo by Molly Haley
About the Author
Catherine Morrissette attends Falmouth High School in Falmouth, Maine, where she spends time in classrooms with her school’s literary publications, in the library with the book club, and backstage in the theater. When not at school, she can be found on the ocean with her sailing team or at home with a pencil or book. She attended the New England Young Writers’ Conference at the Bread Loaf campus in 2018, and was previously published in local and state wide magazines, including The Telling Room’s 2019 anthology, Speak Up. She lives with her two parents, two brothers, and two golden retrievers.