“Anxiety” By Katherine Kelly
I despise you, yet
your presence comforts me
somewhere deep in my soul. You
are always there. You
never go away.
When I finally figure it out, I know
you’ll be there, questioning
my decisions with
undying certainty that stays
with me through the night.
And in the morning, when
I actually need your advice,
your voice quiets, leaving
me alone with no guidance.
Finally, the terror hits.
But when I’m fallen, on the
floor I’ll lie, and your hands
will stroke my back. No matter
where I go, you’ll follow.
You give me no escape.
Katherine Kelly is 13 years old; she lives in Harpswell, Maine. She attends Mt. Ararat High school in Topsham, Maine. The poem was a school assignment. A few facts about Katherine are that she has written poetry since she was little, she wants to go to college for film, and she plays flute in the high school band.