"I Melt In Music" by Luci Misiaszek (Hancock County Winner)
I melt in music
When the right song plays I feel free
I feel light
I get a burst of energy that people turn to caffeine for It takes everything off my mind
replaced with lyrics
and a beat
A rush of dopamine fills my brain
and makes it feel as if I am not growing up
bringing me back to when I was little
and had nothing to think about
When I listen to music
I can do things I can’t do otherwise
It’s a distraction from the hard things
A distraction from my racing thoughts
A distraction from my heavy eyes
A distraction from the stress of growing up
From the thoughts that make me tired
From the thoughts that tell me I am wrong
They all melt away
along with a piece of me
I don't need
Luci Misiaszek wrote “I Melt In Music” at the age of 15 in 10th grade at Mount Desert Island High School. In the poem, she talks about how music helps her focus and makes her feel calm, distracting her from many negative things. She often proves this when she listens to music while doing productive things as well as when she's relaxing.